Thursday, August 11, 2005


It's 3:20 am. I have to be up at 6:15, so these numbers are not in my favor, to put it lightly. No, I have not been out dancing in bars or shooting speed on a Wednesday night or whatever people in their 20's do, I have been doing what people in their 30's do who have a mortgage and not enough money -- working! I'm "on loan" to our chief marketing officer, and I still have my normal full-time job to do, and our global sales meeting starts in a week and our global marketing summit is in 10 days and I'm falling into my zen mode, which is basically barely alive. The worse things get the more calm I get, which is to say that I react slowly to everything. I don't know whether this will all be worth it, since today is the 10th (it's really the 11th because it's 3am but I'm pretending) and I won't be finished until the 30th, I've got 3 weeks to keep my eyeballs from exploding out of my head.

It's sad when the dog goes to bed at 11 and I'm still up 4 hours later. Damn Charlie for not staying by my side. Man's best friend...there are subtleties to that description.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hey You, It's Romeo

I'm listening to Romeo and Juliet -- Dire Straits -- an oldie but it makes me remember the hope I had in college for my life. It was all supposed to work out and "thick and thin" was going to be easy when it came to relationships. Steps out of the shade and says something like, you and me babe, how 'bout it.
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