Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Foiled Again! But Not overcome

Watching the Aron Ralston story. DAMN! This guy cut off his own arm and I can't sweep the fucking city pad. Tomorrow I leave for a 3 day weekend with the goddesses. These are four of the coolest women I have ever met, and I met them when I was still in my teens. Some of these women even met my mother. Rare. I am summoning my strength for the weekend. Here are the challenges inherent in a weekend together with the goddesses:

1) No half-and-half. These women -- for some inexplicable reason -- put skim milk in their coffee. What is the Point. Of. That?

2) Limited red wine. These women are pregnant. OK, only 40% are pregnant, but that seeming minority colors the party factor in a severe way.

3) Attack on the amount of fat in my diet. I love eggs benedict. On the weekend I generally allow myself the decadence of breakfast in all its fat-filled glory. If it's not eggs benedict, it's eggs and sausage, eggs and bacon, WITH CHEDDAR. When I go on these weekends, I am on vacation, for fuck's sake. I need breakfast meats, and I don't need a load of shit for eating them. Putting honey on wheat germ pancakes is a sorry excuse for a real weekend breakfast. Particularly when you try to convince me that I should wake up at 6 fucking 30 (EST, not PST) to enjoy it. Life is short, people. Sleep late. Eat fat and exercise, that's my mantra.

4) I am the only one who is not in a relationship. This non-relationship situation is the way it is. But this is the first time I am the only one of the five of us who is not in a relationship. They are ganging up on me, whether they know it or not. Three of them are married. D has been a trusted compadre in the "single" front, giving weight to statements of single-dom. But since she moved in with G (like over a year ago), I feel I am unwillingly championing the cause alone.

5) Don't even get me started about the kid element.

So I am headed off to Nashville, Indiana. Leaving my precious Charlie to a mold-obsessed, pierced, 80's-rock-listening, unpaid dog-walker. More to come on this.


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