Monday, October 24, 2005

Let's Pretend

Let's pretend that it hasn't been more than two months since I posted anything. We can all pretend together. It's easy to deny reality. I do it every day. And I know I'm not alone in this.

So why haven't I written anything? Perhaps because I want there to be READERS out there dammit, and I know there aren't. Also there is the fact that I have been working every day of the week for the past two months and this "blog thing" is -- sadly -- far down on my list of priorities. For sure it falls below SLEEPING and EXERCISING, and there hasn't been enough of either of these going on.


I have a new lease on life, courtesy of an upcoming month of vacation. No shit. Beginning on Thanksgiving and ending after the Christmas holiday, I will not be working.

I will be taking yoga classes every morning and pilates every afternoon. I am not one of those exercise class people...somehow I get freaked out with all those people sweating along with me. I usually don't know how to do these yogapilates movements and it's difficult for me to just relax. Maybe all the pressure will make the weight disappear faster. Maybe it will affect my appetite and I won't be able to eat before or after the class.

Dreaming of myself as my former self: 5'9" and 132 lbs. I weighed 132 lbs. for 15 years, and over the past 5 years I shot up to 150. Watch me now as I shed the diabolical weight. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.


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