Friday, July 15, 2005


I freaked out today. Seriously, everything just got weird and I became convinced that it was all wrong. My dog was sick, I swear to god he almost didn't make it back up the hill this morning when we went down for coffee. He wouldn't eat and he didn't eat last night, so I took him to the vet. Turns out Charlie is dehydrated, and after thinking about it I realized I haven't been giving him enough water on our trips back and forth to Tahoe. I feel like shit. I made my dog sick.

I also lost my cell phone. Could be any one of the hundred places I went today. Problem is I need it for work and I don't know how to check the voice mail because I never wrote down the number to call. Idiot!

Not content to have just 2 things going wrong in my life, on the way out of town I stopped by K's place unannounced because I was pissed at him for not calling and I think I was going to yell at him. Some friend of his opened the door and I knew it was his friend Andy because I recognized him from his role on Animal Cops SF, but I didn't acknowledge that and K didn't introduce us, and it only added to my tendency to freak out. So when I saw KI just said I was there to 'get my stuff,' which is a weird thing to say to him. I got my bra from Tuesday night and a Flaming Lips video I left there a couple of weeks ago. He got my things and I freaking left. Total freak-out. Very weird. I sent him an email tonight when I got to Tahoe, explaining all the many things going wrong and affecting my ability to REMAIN CALM. I'm not sure what will happen from here.

Freaking out sucks, does it happen to you?


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