Monday, November 27, 2006

Come on in, take what you want

Oh man, one thing I neglected to mention is that when I went to my brother's house for Thanksgiving I had a ton of things to load up in the car -- food, borrowed items, a huge stack of presents, just call me Aunt Therese. I made several trips to the car and I was ready to go at around 11.

After a great day at my brother's place I arrived home at around 9:30pm to find my front door standing open.

Wide open.

I must have just not locked it when I breezed off to San Jose. In fact, I must not have closed it.

Since it was dark I was kind of afraid to go in but I was on the phone with Andrew* who would send the police if I was attacked, so I went in. Nothing was gone. The place was 100% undisturbed. After ten hours of wide-openness.

This is incredible. I am lucky. And. Yes. I am stupid.

*Andrew lives in this house

somewhere in Barleigh Shore or something that sounds like that in the Gold Coast. I don't remember the name but I can tell you it's probably more than two thousand miles from California and I miss the idea of seeing him quite soon. Here is the room where I will stay when I visit.

and all I can say is which way to the hot hub, Andrew? Want to go to the beach tomorrow? I miss you tons!!


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