Monday, November 06, 2006

Hiking in the city

Wow, yesterday was a negative post day. But life's not always sunny skies, is it? Today is brighter and I'm working at home, planning to get outside at the end of the day and hug a tree in Golden Gate Park.

It's also Zen Center night and I'll walk there too. I love San Francisco because it's such a walking city. The bus on my corner will take me to the park and from there I can spend 45 minutes strolling past the Conservatory of Flowers

and Stow Lake

grab a cup of coffee at the de Young Museum cafe, and then hike across town to the Zen Center at Page and Laguna which should take about 15 minutes.

Yes, living in the city comes with some challenges like difficulty parking and no back yard, but they are almost insignificant compared to the joy of taking off on foot and seeing such natural beauty, interesting architecture, and the city's rich mix of people.


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