Sunday, April 29, 2007

Long sigh. I'm supposed to be working, but it's Sunday afternoon and I don't want to work. I just have crushing anxiety about going to work tomorrow, so working now might help all that, but no amount of soul-crushing worry seems to be enough to make me address my responsibilities right now.

I am going to go for a run along the Embarcadero, and that might help. I am also going to eat a burrito.

Couple of happy things to catch up on -- vegetarianism and a new manfriend. I have outgrown the term boyfriend. I am nearly 40.

The vegetarianism has come from reading about and then acting upon the 7-day Detox Diet in The Purification Plan. The book offers seven days of directions on how to cleanse naturally, and the recipes inside are fantastic. Don't trust the grocery list, though, because it will have you buying things you don't need and not buying things you do need. Having said that, I think the week of eating nothing but vegetables has changed me for life. I wouldn't have believed it possible, but I now look forward to eating a heaping plate of vegetables, and the thought of a chicken sandwich with bacon and ranch dressing may still sound good but I don't think I could actually take a bite of it. Today marks two weeks of mostly vegetarianism (I ate a shrimp on Friday night) and I've not only lost nine pounds, I'm feeling great. I have even kicked caffeine more or less.

And the new manfriend. I had a date with Michael after work on Friday and he just left (Sunday afternoon). We met a month ago and had gone out four or five times before this weekend of sin and enjoyment. How to describe him? Ummm, open, artistic, worldy, softspoken, great sense of humor, fit, confident, sexy, thoughtful, all kinds of good. So I like hanging around with him. I get the feeling there's not a lot of drama in his life, and we seem to be on the same level. I get the feeling there's not a lot of judging going on with either of us. I just like what I see and I know he likes me too. I also feel safe being completely open and honest with him. I like the fact that he's a public transportation kind of guy, a surfer, with a masters degree and a plan to get an MFA this fall at the College of the Arts in creative writing. He reminds me of a young Michael Stipe but I just google-imaged Michael Stipe and Michael doesn't look that much like him but he has the curly hair, the pouty lips, and the dance moves. He also loves my cooking and pulls more than his own weight in the kitchen. So yeah, hurrah for internet dating. Date #1 is a keeper.

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Blogger OhTheJoys said...

All sounds very good, my little sinning friend. Heh.


p.s. Can not believe you ate vegetables.

6:32 PM  

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