Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Right now I'm discussing an opportunity to take a rotational assignment in Bangalore, India, for three months to support our most senior executive.

It would mean getting on a plane in about two weeks.

Working 12-15 hours a day, seven days a week.

Living in a hotel or corporate apartment for three months.

Trying to survive in India, which I tried before. I can't muster much enthusiasm, except that the experience will be much different with a per diem and expense account.

Missing the rest of ski season.

But the number one thing it would mean is leaving not only family and friends, but Patrick. My boss says take him with me. And you know what? It's possible. He says it sounds interesting, and his job is so amazingly flexible that he would be able to get away. Crazy....

I haven't been officially offered the position and there are a lot of unknowns, but one thing is certain and that is we need someone experienced in Bangalore, who knows the company and the way we work, right away. Finding someone like that who will agree to be away from home for three months must be next to impossible. But I think I would enjoy it. It would be very good for my career.

It also sounds romantic. But complicated. I'll know more on Tuesday.


Blogger OhTheJoys said...

You know what I think, right?


5:25 PM  
Blogger Random Thinker said...

Land of curry, the center of Dvaita Philosophy, and the Indian Silicon Valley - I am sure you will enjoy the cosmopolitan experience; go for it!

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here from Oh, The Joys. I have never been to and would love to go to India. Especially with an expense account. As long as I knew how to say "more spinach paneer, please."

11:37 AM  

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