Friday, April 06, 2007


After a lot of hemming and hawing (what the hell does that mean, really?), I submitted a counter offer on the house of $333K. It's a pretty low offer but it's fair. We'll see what the sellers do from here.

Patrick and I talked yesterday for the first time in a month and he made me angry. He was crying on the phone because he misses me and I don't know what the hell to do with that. He just wanted me to talk to him. If I'm such a good girlfriend, why did he break up with me exactly? I told him I couldn't help him with his pain. Was that mean?


Blogger OhTheJoys said...

I don't think it was mean.

The "pony" thing - ew!

I say DO IT. Buy it. Go. You are woman, hear you roar.

Your biggest blog fan

10:36 AM  

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